So, as you may have heard, Supreme Court Justice Scalia has passed away. Think about it though. Isn't his death a little...convenient? Picture this: No new Justice is nominated before the new president is elected, Hillary wins, and who does she nominate? Yep, you got it: Obama. If he was on the Supreme Court he would support her for anything and those evil liberals would run this country into the ground. But wait, theres more! Maybe Obama gets to nominate a new one, meaning he won't get to be the new one, but who could he nominate? Right you are: Hillary Freaking Clinton. Isn't Scalia's death seeming to be more than just a coincidence? Obviously this was the work of Hillary or some other liberal scum. She was probably there hiding in the bushes during his hunting trip, watching, waiting, and BOOM! She shoots a poison dart into his neck, making him feel sick and go home to die in his sleep. Its obvious guys, this wasn't "natural causes", this was murder. Down with the establishment! Kidnap Hillary! End the liberal regime before its too late!
Sure it was natural causes. However, we should keep in mind that, for a old Republican, death by "natural causes" generally involves underage boys, Viagra and diaper fetishism.