Hey Cosmo,
Feedback could use some daily attention from a team of Moderators. I'm interested! We could scout out good ideas as they appear and curb flame wars. What do you say? Give me and at least 3 others a shot for a week and see.
Moderators are not required; BungleVision simply needs to behave like a responsible 'partner' - and NOT like the toxic, 'abusive partner' they have been doing so far. Most rants are from intensely-frustrated Guardians who have had enough of the lies / broken 'promises' / sneering Devs / useless and unimportant 'fixes' (purple, illuminated ball) / 'wall of silence' response mode / apparent determination to wreck all the good stuff in Destiny and replace it with ABSOLUTE DRECK that no one in the Guardian community wants or supports - bar the diehard Detesticles and other fanboy-camping-phaggots / etc... I could go on, but, am sure sensible Guardians will get my drift... What's the solution? BV already know what's needed; they're not that stupid. Simple answer: stop being an abusive partner with your very loyal Guardian community! Act responsibly and enjoy our full and unbridled support...then see how your business can grow! That's it. Enough from me...time to bounce! Chin-Up & Grind On, Guardians!