I am in an interracial relationship. AMA.
I apologize to anyone I may have offended, it was not intentional.
Apparently I'm a racist because I prefer to be with a white woman rather than a woman of another race. I'm sorry I fell in love with her.
"Nobody cares about that anymore, it's 2016." Take a look through the comments here if you believe that.
Why is it rarely the other way around?
Im guessing you expected a huge uproar or people to actually care? This is nothing new and nothing special but congratulations.
So she is 300 pounds? Jk lol.
Did you smash
The first girl to ask me out was black [spoiler]I said no[/spoiler]
How is it that a salty clam like you can fetch white girls?
Lol I'm in an interracial relationship too. Who gives a shit?
How interesting and worthy of making a thread.
You're still not special. Keep it moving.
I'm a whiteish guy that dated black girls so this isn't the 1867 where people see Africans as bigger more dangerous monkeys [spoiler]and whatever racist stuff they thought [/spoiler] come on its 2016
Edited by Szeth6678: 2/16/2016 5:16:21 AMThis isn't the mid-20th century :P You aren't going to get gasps of shock. *Tips fedora*
[i] [/i]
Edited by Link Stark: 2/16/2016 4:58:27 AMINTERRACIAL RELATIONSHIP?! THE END TIMES ARE HERE!!!
*Takes glasses off* Oh goodness the end of the world is near!!
Oh guys there is a special snowflake over here![spoiler]JK.[/spoiler]
Sounds like you're racist towards black wemon. Nice b8.
Well congrats, hopefully you have a long healthy relationship.
Cool man, I'm not racist enough (or at all really) to be against that. I am white and like a black girl
Edited by ChaosRecon95: 2/16/2016 4:21:14 AMIs she fat? Saw pic below. Never mind. Props to you, sir. She's pretty
Well as my old man once said to me when regarding white women. White is right, welcome to the club bro.
My girlfriends sister has a thing for black guys. They're both Ukrainian. I'm white
Teach me