They are too easy. Up the difficulty and make rewards drop 300 or 310+ and no ghosts.
Maybe have two nightfalls, a 280 light level just like it is now and a 310. Make the 310 super hard like always have lightswitch and iron clad and match game. Bring back the if you wipe you go back to the start of the strike so no checkpoints. Just make it incredibly difficult and a challenge and give us back the blue flames!
I would love to play that every week. The current nightfall is just way too easy and not rewarding. It was ok for like the first week or two because everyone was low light but now it's pathetic.
I personally wasn't a fan of the blue flame, maybe make it a setting like the wear helmet in social spaces. I totally agree. Doing the nightfall is almost pointless for end game players. If you don't get an amazing pvp gun roll or a ghost that makes glimmer the way you want, you pretty much walk away with a few more coins or motes, or worse yet, 3 legendary marks for dismantling. What if you got a NF ticket that you turn it into one of the vendors you want and they give you a drop. Like turn into Tess for an emote, gunsmith for pretty decent rep/weapon. Or factions for a package drop. Or cryptarc for something cool. Hell! Variks for a 280 house of wolves weapon/armor. Mix it up for us please.