"That's a valid point, but we have the muscle and brains to end this war fast, very fast. Why don't we just end it? Like you said, we're in our peaks, our primes, we can still change and still destroy anyone."
He brought his arms up from his sides, crossing them at his chest.
Because, unlike all those other times, this actually isnt our war to fight. We don't have reason to interfere. We've given our share, and more, to this Galaxy.
He nodded as you spoke, seemingly understanding. "But this fight won't end without us interfering. People will die, civilians will die if we don't stop this."
[b]jumps onto his back resting both elbows on his shoulders[/b] No matter what people are going to die whenever there's a small conflict
He chuckles, not moving at all from the change it weight. "But it'll be less so if we're involved...hopefully."
Eh I'm not sure..during my scouting runs I've almost been shot and barely avoided a sword to the genitals
"That's.....unpleasant. But still, we'd end this conflict faster if we got involved."
A bit too fast... [b]he felt rubbing against his face[/b] ...letting them kill each other is one option or we bust down the doors last minute and make a dramatic entry and we'd get ourselves another glorious story
"I like the glorious story part...sounds like the most fun." He grins.
Mmm I prefer the hunt [b]theres a slight breeze on his back, a strong indicator the tail is wagging[/b]
He nods. "But the hunt will always lead to something. Lets hope its fun and not boring."
I don't care..spending the time with you bastards is what I care about [b]after a few minutes of silence he seems to be asleep[/b]