I'll be so peeved if I don't get my ghost on Feb. 23. Why do I doubt? Because Bungie might think me and my friend ,ShrillCaesar, (Can't really remember his entire gamertag) did not compete in the matches because of the harsh losing streak, low kills, and deaths.
But we did try our best and we nearly won some matches, but one of them I accidentally walked of the edge which cost us the game. But at least my friend has a 309 or something Crimson Ghost.
BTW: If you do give me a Ghost can it please be the Sugary(Chocolate) Ghost? :)
Lil Artist 7500
Hey,you don't want the sugary. The Crimson is more appealing. The sugary is just all brown..surprisingly doesn't melt when you're on mercury or mars.
I walked off the edge a couple games ago.
As long as you weren't consistently dying right at the start of every match, you'll be fine. And a losing streak won't be an issue. It's 7 competitive games. 7 games where you actually played the game instead of walking off the map. You'll be fine. Also, Ghosts will be random.
Hey I played 70 hours and won plenty. Not a single ghost.