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[i]Only a few hours had passed since
Skolas's capture, he was sitting under a overhang in the fallen habitat[/i]
Skolas: How did I fail? I am the Kell of Kells! Supreme leader of all the fallen!
Randal The vandal: No I'm the Kell of Kells!
Skolas: Shut up Randal!
Randal: Awww
[i]All of a sudden a loud, blaring alarm went off and about 20 Royal Guards stormed the House of Wolves new home [/i]
[i]Suspecting an ambush Skolas got up and readied his Scorch Cannon[/i]
Petra Venj: Skolas, lower your weapon! We are not here to hurt you.
[i]Skolas, not fully believing her, slowly lowered his Scorch cannon but as a safety measure, called for some captains to protect him[/i]
Skolas: Then why are you here?
Petra: Moments ago, the Cabal rigged a bomb to try to escape, the problem is it back fired leaving all of the other habitats accessible to the air lock.
Skolas: Why would I need [i]your[/i] protection?! I could take every single one of them out!
[i]All of a sudden the guards start pointing out that the hive are attempting to destroy the door, seconds later thousands upon thousands of thrall come pouring out of where the door used to be[/i]
[i]Skolas, seeing this as a great opportunity to escape orders the house to simultaneously take care of the hive [u]and[/u] the guards[/i]
Petra: Fall back! Fall back!
[i]Despite the guards valiant effort the thrills start to over take them[/i]
[i]Skolas now engaged in full battle starts to question why the queen even cared that he lived. Perplexed now, by this question he orders his house to concentrate fire on the hive and not the guards[/i]
[i]Several minutes later, the final few thrall start to retreat back into their habitat, and the battle is over[/i]
[i]Petra is lying on the floor injured heavily, hundreds of cuts is now what is left of tough battle armor and in some areas bare skin can be seen[/i]
Skolas: Why did you try to protect me?
Petra (in a shaky voice): Because the que- because the... the queen still sees you as a valuable asset.
[i]Perplexed by this statement he stops to think for a moment but by the time he had come up with a response he was interrupted by the clamor of more Royal guards, and seconds later he is all alone again having all of the guards sent off to be rehabilitated after their injuries[/i]
[i]Alone and perplexed Skolas goes back and sits under the overhang contemplating what she meant by "still a valuable asset"[/i]
So more i love these!