originally posted in:Art and Stuff
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Greetings comrades! You ready for more fantastic fun with your favorite drawing utensil? Well you came to the right place because its time for another weekly topic!
What is a weekly topic? Well to put it simply I (your supreme dictator) give you (the loyal follower) a challenge that tests your arting skills. The challenge could easily range from drawing a circle to painting something that explains the meaning of the universe and all of existence. Now then, you guys ready for some fun?
This week's topic is: [b]Do a Continual Line drawing[/b]
Rules are simple: once you put your pencil/pen/etc on the page you may never lift it till your drawing is complete.
Sound like fun? No? Well ok then, try to have fun with it I guess? now if you'll excuse me I got a giant thing of pasta with my name on it.
Previous Weekly Topics: [spoiler][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/39813/187328000/0/0]Week 2[/url]
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/39813/186067716/0/0]Week 1[/url][/spoiler]
Can I take a break and pick up where I left off?