Grimoire doesn't mean PvP skill at all. PvP skill is completely unrelated to Grimoire.
as i said, "sort of but not really"
100 rumble wins is dead
Edited by Daddy Chill (Adept): 2/16/2016 8:51:34 PMHis argument is that generally higher grimiore players are better at pvp, I can see the relationship because higher grimiore could relate to more time in the game, which could relate to more time in pvp, thus giving you more experience. My previous statement does not gaurantee that low grimiore players are bad or higher grimiore players are good. I got a 1.5kdr and I'm 3800 grimiore w.en
Grimoire is 99% based off PvE content. You can't say high Grimoire means anything for PvP skill because people with high grimoire are generally PvE Guru's. I'm not saying that people who are good at PvE can't be good at PvP I'm just saying FPS skill doesn't translate to Grimoire. I've seen many people who mainly PvP and they are really good but have 3500 Grimoire approximately.
Edited by Daddy Chill (Adept): 2/16/2016 8:56:59 PMWhat if you had two people to choose for trials, one is 4800 grimiore and the other is 1000, but both are equally skilled. The advantage goes to the 4800 grimiore player over the 1000. Does the 1000 grimiore player even know the spawns? Sniper lanes? Important choke points? How to deal with non meta strategies? Odds are he will have less knowledge because he has played the game less. Year 1 vs year 2 with equal skill.