Question... Based on your high grimoire requirements for the raid (and part of that grimoire being attached to PvP) how do you come to the conclusion that a high grimoire means you'll be experienced enough for a raid???
[spoiler]my grimoire 4585... Guess I don't make the cut even though I have more raid completions than yourself [/spoiler]
[spoiler]4600 grimoire requirement... Well this is a no fun zone[/spoiler]
I have 56 Kings fall hards raid completed with a KD of 17.01 in it You have 25 Kings fall hards raid completed with a KD of 14.25 in it. What are you talking about? Playing pvp helps you get a feel for the game I believe, helps your reaction time on things also.
Stooped to quoting k/d in pve? cmon dude get real.
Well apparently YOUR Poll begs to differ with a high grimoire being a requirement...
And most of the people voting have low Grimoire so its bias ^^
That's because most of us with a high grimoire and that have been around from the start realize that .....High Grimoire does not = Skill. Therefor don't respond to these tireless posts/polls grimoire=skill. I'm sorry I got suckered in to responding .... Just tired of these same old posts. Have a good one Guardian!! Cheers
You don't have a high Grimoire and wouldn't have even made it into the raid group.