I'm gonna go with that one guy, y'know, the one who has better things to do with his life than pretend to be MLG on a game with zero chance of being taken seriously as a competitive shooter.
B-b-but I'm the best in the w-w-world at Destiny! Yeah, that's neat kid. Enjoy living in your parents' basement and working at Game Stop till you're 40.
Yikes, what crawled up[i] your[/i] rectum?
Just tired of this generation and their need to obsess over trivial nonsense.
Oh yea, heaven forbid people show interest with things pertaining to their hobbies. What a crime
There's an important distinction between showing interest in a hobby and slobbering all over some pathetic man-child with a YouTube channel. One is normal, even something to be encouraged. The other is annoying, and a little sad. But mostly annoying.
Ok great. This post was not the latter so you comin in here with your bad vibes was completely uncalled for
Oh but it was, and is. But that's ok kiddo, I'd hate to harsh your buzz. Enjoy your sad life
Sheesh, you done stroking your ego yet? It must be hard being better than everyone else and calling strangers kids. Really, I'm jealous
No. It really is. I know.