I have a low grimoire score, especially for a year one player. I do consider myself experienced though. I'm a patient, mature adult, but my family will always come before any game. I'm smart enough to know that if people want certain requirements in order to join, and I don't meet certain requirements, I won't bother them. However, I feel that they are the ones missing out on a chill player who knows what he's doing. You may look at my stats and think, meh, but during year one I had shit Internet and didn't want anyone else to suffer due to it. I don't care if your grimoire is low, or if your inexperienced. If I'm able to help you, or you're able to help me, I think that's what this game and community should be about.
I am sorry you see me that way. My friends list is full of new people, actively help them its starting to decline now since TTK has been out for a while. But I have helped many of my friends and their friends and even strangers in the tower. But when I want a fast run, I am going to do a fast run. I have my family, my school, my job, and my on and off relationship. So I don't have time to always help people thats why I needed a fast run and I got it.
[quote]I am sorry you see me that way. My friends list is full of new people, actively help them its starting to decline now since TTK has been out for a while. But I have helped many of my friends and their friends and even strangers in the tower. But when I want a fast run, I am going to do a fast run. I have my family, my school, my job, and my on and off relationship. So I don't have time to always help people thats why I needed a fast run and I got it.[/quote] Not taking a stab at you; sorry if it came across that way. I'm just stating why I don't think grimoire is important. I've met plenty of people with low grimoire who can get most things done in a timely manner. I understand trying to get things rushed out of the way, but personally I don't mind taking my time. When I do have time to play, I make sure to have at least an hour and a half so that it can be more of a leisure activity that I can enjoy as opposed to just getting it done and over with. Again, not saying anything is wrong with your play style or your requirements, I'm just saying you might be missing out on some great players if you always require something a lot of players may not have. I'm confident even with my low grimoire I could complete hard raid in under an hour. The only reason I don't have a hard completion yet is so many get frustrated and quit (I can perform any job exceptionally well). When one drops, generally two or three follow. Rather than sit around and try to find new people, I just accept the loot I've already gained and play something else.
[quote] I've met plenty of people with low grimoire who can get most things done in a timely manner.[/quote] I have met people with low Grimoire who are awesome too. But majority of the time the players I meet with low Grimoire are not good. Majority of the time the players I meet with high Grimoire are good. I just have to go with the odds when I am looking for people on LFG
Yeah, just because we didn't find dead ghosts or kill a billion ogres doesn't make us terrible, we're just not obsessive!