What the hell is this "Atheon" thing I keep hearing about? Everyone laughs at me when I ask this
HahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhhhhahahahahhahahahahahahahHhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahahhahahahahhahhahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhhahahahahhahahahahahhaahhahahahahh. That funny.
Edited by The Danger Zone: 2/17/2016 5:04:59 PMOryx's father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate http://youtu.be/CZd_YyFzPD0
Time. Or is Time, Atheon? Did time create Atheon or Atheon create time to create Atheon?
Edited by SnazzySquid: 2/17/2016 10:00:33 PMAetheon is a raid boss that reuses the same map as the fight immediately proceeding it and recycles mechanics introduced earlier in the raid. If that doesn't clear things up it is because this description can be applied to all the raid bosses and Skolas.
2016 biggest troll
Toaster is such a fkin feggit I'm tryna -blam!- the DA lady in her mouth though Mute me again you slimy son of a btch
Op is troll, 25 vog completions, yes i do see tags
Xylar is Toaster's sugar daddy [spoiler]go on,mute me I dare you[/spoiler]
Edited by Wr3ckitR4lph: 2/17/2016 9:46:42 PMIf I say something about Xylar, is Toaster gonna mute me?
Atheon, Time's Conflux is the son of Xylar, the Timeless We face him in the next expansion, he's mad we killed his kid Srsly tho what I gathered about atheon is that he is "times conflux" so he is the meeting point of the past present and future vaults of glass. Something about being ever-present all throughout time so the vex become like a law of the universe. It's some crazy shit. I think the vault of glass is a vex recreation of a hive throne world, like crotas end, where they can change laws of reality to their will. And times conflux is trying to activate that vault in the past and future together so it always was and always we be there ??
He is actually a challenge mode for VOG this Giant robo cop spawns in and rides Xylar the three headed cyber dragon and they make Atheon the cyber dragon master
A hit band from the 70's I believe
[quote]What is an "Xylar"[/quote] Fixed
Don't belive a word amy of these people say he is he final boss of vault of glass
The boss before xylar.
More importantly, you should be asking what is a Xylar?
Xylar's minion
Vault of glass raid boss. 7 story Dragon related to xylar
Atheon: greek: acc plural of atheos
You kill him at the end of the raid [spoiler]only to be ambushed by xylar the timeless[/spoiler]
In the vog raid he's the boss before xylar the timeless
He is the boss of me and everyone else inside me
Atheon was a part of the best raid in this game.
Atheon is xylars pet dog
Get a gf or dog if you need attention this badly. Virgin confirmed