originally posted in:DoD Elite
We are trying to raise money for a fellow clan member. One of the last that is left on the ps3. We have a few who need some help from fellow members to make the jump. We are a clan of brothers and what better way to demonstrate that than by showing our support for a fellow member.
First up on that list is our very own Stubee00. He has some saved up lets see if we can give him a hand with the rest. If we raise more than what the goal is another member will get the remainder.
As the icing on the cake there will be a six hour stream event hosted by myself chrome_platted. Co-host is Jnapaman. The stream will feature six hours of control with a fifteen minute intervention.
Bill Control stream event
Saturday 2/20/2016 @ 4:00 pm EST.
Link for the go fund me page is here
" We are only our strongest, when we stand united"
Edited by DwightFryebrain: 2/21/2016 9:52:15 PMDoD. Beyond here, we are a ps3 clan though most have ps4 also by now too but me. Good luck and don't forget about me if your go fund me runs over, a family suicide put my bank account on empty and ultimately led to mt having to seperate grom my employer in order to be home with my wife and daughter every night. Anyway ps3 and still cant even bust out $40 for the Taken King expansion so I cant even play with my clanmates mostly. Blah blah, good luck!
I miss my early afternoons in control with billiam! Famous " I'm going to the store real quick " and I think his foot prints are still there behind that one rock on C/B sniping with that damn voc! For those that don't know, vision of confluence, " my go to " as a great Bill once said. We miss you stubee00! May the funds flow for contol. God bless son, banners coming!