How bout, no. I don't want another class made, because another class might topple Titans from their throne. And that would be bad.
Not to mention, if they did add a 4th class, they would also have to make it so we could have a 4th character slot. Thus would screw up the entire games grind.
Throne? That's be cause you got golden gunned off that throne
Or people that want it could have it and the people that don't could...not play it? Seems too logical for this place, I'll beam myself out.
I agree that Titans are awesome, but I'll leave it at just that.
I agree, more classes aren't necessary as all the abilities and story's behind them could easily be put into new subclasses
Yes, but then why does everyone want a fourth class? The majority always seems to want a fourth vanguard class over new subclasses for existing classes.