All those looking for others to help farm the Undying Mind Nightfall for Imago Loop, feel free to post/search here for potential groups.
Xbox One - 318 Warlock LFG Nightfall Imago Loop farming. Send message to Psittacidae13 for invite.
Need 2 for imago loop farm preferably titans i am a hunter doing dragons breathe strat add and join
Need 2 for nf. Add and join. Ps4
319 warlock looking for 2 players 310+ to do nightfall real quick. MSG me at Greatwafflexvi
PS4 Online ID -- streetracer610 Trying to farm for the Imago Loop. I know the Dragon's Breath strategy but I don't have the launcher. I have Black Spindle. I'm using a Titan.
Need hunter with raze for heroic omnigul farm message phillyfingaz for inv
319 titan. Need 2 for loop. Message LETHAL TKO on xbox
Need 1 Titan for imago loop farm. At boss. Please know the dragon breath strategy.
Need 2 guardian for imago loop farm on Xbox 1 Must have mic and solar sniper Must be above 300 light I have dragons breath and know the farm method. Done it over 100+ times this week. Need at least 1 other Titan. Message class to gt Gt same as above
[b][i][u]Need 2 Nightfall (Xbox One) [/u][/i][/b] ~ [i][b]Imago Loop Farm [/b][/i] ~ [i]Must be 300+[/i] ~ [i]Must have Spindle or Dragons Breath [/i] ~ [i]Must know how to farm finale boss [/i] ~ [i]Must be a Titan [/i]
319 warlok i got spindle and db looking to farm i know strat
Looking for one Titan who can bubble. We have DB. Know the strat. Etc. another bubble will just make the runs go faster. Spindle/1000k will help but not required. Just have a 1/2 decent solar sniper. PS4: MAJ_Bryan Please be respectful. My squeaker tolerance is wearing thin.
need 1 at boss message gt above
Need 2 for Imago Loop farm must have a Dragons Breath Black Spindle and 1k stare and we will sort it out then gt und3rlink3d
Need 1 for xbox one Pref titan Gt same
319 warlok looking to farm loop i know strat got 318 spindle
Need two for imago loop farm. Does anyone actually know how to farm?? Ppl do 1 and leave. If you don't have the patience to get the drop don't waste my time. Atleast tell me it will be your last run so I can get another. Common courtesy it's called! Msg me on Xbox for inv.
Looking for 2 to farm loop on Xb1. Need another Titan Spindal or 1000 yard solar Dragons breath Gt same as above
Need 2 people who know the dragons breath farm strat for imago loop message for invite 319 titan
Looking for imago farm fireteam psn:DarkChaosLord
Need two people to farm for imago loop on nightfall on xbox one. Must know the dragons breath method One needs to be good with dragons breath Both need to have solar snipers. Message on live for invite
Need 1 for imago loop farm. Know the dragons breath strategy please
Need 1 for ps4 nightfall
318 titan looking to farm nightfall Msg ChAoS iiKarL
Need 2 for Imago Loop farm must have a Dragons Breath Black Spindle and 1k stare and we will sort it out then at boss have CP gt und3rlink3d
Need one more for imago loop farm gt: ChineseNarwhal
318 titan looking to farm for loop on xbone