All those looking for others to help farm the Undying Mind Nightfall for Imago Loop, feel free to post/search here for potential groups.
Xbox One - 318 Warlock LFG Nightfall Imago Loop farming. Send message to Psittacidae13 for invite.
I got two loops with firefly check my characters
Imago on xbone at boss need 1
Need 1 for imago loop farming know strat
Need 1 for loops know the strategy
Looking for 2 people to farm the imago loop with on xbox one. Please know the dragons breath method. Message on live for invite.
Anyone up for some imago farming on ps4. Add GSTARHUN 319 titan. Dragon breath strat.
Edited by SHARTED: 2/21/2016 6:26:58 PMLooking for 2 for Imago NF farming PS4 Have it down to 6 min runs Fast boss kill with WOL and Spindle.
Xbox one Nightfall need 1 more, msg xXRelicHolderXx for invite.
Edited by Dream-Biscuit: 2/21/2016 6:26:08 PMImago Loop Nightfall farm. Looking for a defender titan and a night stalker hunter with dragons breath. Very experienced and looking for a solid team. I can do dragons breath suicide if necessary. Psn:ChickenBiscuts
Imago loop farm ? Add Xx_Gamer9353_xX ps4
Looking for 2 for nightfall. Message or Inv Reformationz
Imago loop farm ? Add Xx_Gamer9353_xX ps4
Need a Titan for imago loop
319 warlok spindle looking to farm loop i know strat
Xbox one, imago loop grind. Must know dragons breath strat! Message BlueFox2002 for invite.
319 warlok with spindle looking to do loop farm invite me xbox one
Need one for Xbox one nightfall
Need 2 for loop farm, please have dragons breath/sleeper/ or black spindle and have a mic. Message me for invite on xbox
Need 2 for ps4 nightfall add Savageboi115
Need 2 for loop farm, please have dragons breath and have a mic. Message me for invite on xbox
Need one for Imago farm Msg bladzalot
309 hunter lf imago farm xb1 Gt Kobrala
Looking for a nightfall on xbox one message me for a response
Need one for imago loop farm add and join ps4
On ps4 need two for imago loop farm dragons breath strat add and join
Imago farm. 316 hunter with dragons breath. Need 2 titans with solar snipers for kill/suicide strat. xbox one