All those looking for others to help farm the Undying Mind Nightfall for Imago Loop, feel free to post/search here for potential groups.
Xbox One - 318 Warlock LFG Nightfall Imago Loop farming. Send message to Psittacidae13 for invite.
318 titan looking to farm for loop on xbone
Need 1 Titan PS4 loop farming with DB boss spawn.
Edited by Viper: 2/23/2016 1:58:44 AM297 titan Lfg undying mind nightfall ps4 username viper101x
Need 1 for imago loop farming.
Edited by mic high a42O: 2/23/2016 1:50:22 AM320 titan looking to join a group farming the nightfall Gt same as above the 0 is a o Xbox one.
Need 1 titan or Hunter for loop farming on PS4. DB strat. Psn same as above. Message or add
Looking for two for imago loop farm on Xbox one Message Graphic Ninja x for invite
279 hunter looking for NF run on Xbox one AldacostaCaa
Need 1 more Titan to farm loop Db nightfall strat Message PSN above
Need 1 more Titan to farm loop Db nightfall strat Message PSN above
Looking to farm Imago on Xbox one. Invite LordSheogorath7
319 titan looking to farm imago loop in nightfall need 2 message for invite!
Need one more for imago loop farm have to now the dragon breath strategy on ps4 add donq_crystal
Need 2 for Imago Loop farm must have a Dragons Breath Black Spindle and 1k stare and we will sort it out then gt und3rlink3d
319 titan looking to farm imago loop in nightfall need 2 message for invite!
Need one for nightfall
Need 2 with solar weapons for loop farm ps4
317 hunter with good DB and solar sniper looking for a group
315 Titan looking for farming group. GT: DBZxCrazyNoonga
319 hunter looking to farm for loop on xbone
319 titan...inv DK973 on XB1
Need 2 Titans to farm imago, be 315+ with spindle GT same as above -XBOX ONE-
Need one person good with dragons breath to farm for imago loop on xbox one. Must have solar sniper. Message on live for invite.
[b][i][u]Need 2 Nightfall (Xbox One) [/u][/i][/b] ~ [i][b]Imago Loop Farm [/b][/i] ~ [i]Must be 300+[/i] ~ [i]Must have Spindle or Dragons Breath [/i] ~ [i]Must know how to farm finale boss [/i] ~ [i]Must be a Titan [/i]
Lf a team that knows how to farm add mastro_dino on PS4
Need 2 for imago loop farm on Ps4 Msg or add me. Psn: LittleBigHagen