All those looking for others to help farm the Undying Mind Nightfall for Imago Loop, feel free to post/search here for potential groups.
Xbox One - 318 Warlock LFG Nightfall Imago Loop farming. Send message to Psittacidae13 for invite.
Need 2 for imago loop farm on Ps4 Msg or add me. Psn: LittleBigHagen
317 titan looking for 2 to farm nightfall for imago loop on xbox one. Must know the dragons breath method. Must have a solar sniper. Also need one person who is good at dragons breath kill. Message on live for invite
319 Titan Imago loop farm Inv gt above XB1
Need 2 Titans at boss. Xb1. Msg ripdajackr for inv
Imago loop farm need 1 titan who knows add lewbran247. Ps4
Need 2 for nightfall Add irod1021
Need 1 more for ps4, please have dragons breath Add drzcw
Need 2 for nightfall
319 warlok with 318 spindle imago farm invite xbox one
298 hunter need 2 for xb1 message kdubz 42o
318 titan Imago farm Inv gt above
Need one for farming xbox 1 any class
Joining team for imago grind Ps4 319 hunter/titan Add drzcw
318 warlok with 318 spindle looking to farm loop on xbox one
Need one for imago loop farming xb1. Gt above
Looking for imago farm fireteam psn:DarkChaosLord
Looking for 2 gt same xb1
Looking for two on PS4. Comment under and I'll add you
318 Titan looking to farm the loop on Xbox
Help me kill Crota real quick know what to do I'm a 315 Titan and have the last checkpoint add me if u want to help much appreciated gamer tag Same as above ***PS4
Edited by UnboundRelyks: 2/22/2016 10:04:45 PMLooking for two more to farm for Imago Loop on Xbox One. I'm a 316 Titan. I have the appropriate weapons. Message UnboundTarget for an invite.
Ps4. Need 1 for imago loop farm add rwchain
Someone invite me to do the nightfall 315 titan
Ps4 need 1 imago loop farm. Add rwchain
Edited by WhatUpNasa: 2/22/2016 9:51:09 PMLooking for a team for loop farm 310 Titan with solar snipe and dragons breath XB1
Looking for 2 to farm loop on XB1. Need another Titan Spindal or 1000 yard solar Dragons breath Gt same as above