All those looking for others to help farm the Undying Mind Nightfall for Imago Loop, feel free to post/search here for potential groups.
Xbox One - 318 Warlock LFG Nightfall Imago Loop farming. Send message to Psittacidae13 for invite.
Anyone Farming the imago loop and know strategy with the dragons breath add thebadboy348 ps4 only we at the boss need 1 more spindle or solar sniper let's farm this imago loop
315 warlock looking for a quick nightfall, no mic but can hear. Send inv please!
Roger that bm1 thank you!
Need one must know how to do it Msg Im Lagg
Need 1 for imago loop farm You must know the dragons breath strat Gt same as above
Need 1 we are at boss for imago farm. Morris-22D
Anyone Farming the imago loop and know strategy with the dragons breath add thebadboy348 ps4 only we at the boss need 1 more spindle or solar sniper let's farm this imago loop
309 lock lfg. Farming
Need one 318+ hunter for imago loop farm. We are at boss have 320 spindle
Need 1 for imago farm for ps4 same psn add and join
Looking to Farm the Imago Loop, Send invite to NcRealro65
Edited by Weeeaal: 2/19/2016 1:39:06 AMNeed one on PS4 for Imago Loop farming. We have Hunter and Titan with Sleeper and Dragonsbreath. PSN same as forum id
Edited by Shorts N PJs: 2/19/2016 1:34:37 AMNeed 1 for imago loop farming gt SolidGoldAce
316 Titan to farm loop / nightfall Gt above
Need two to farm the loop I don't have the boss checkpoint.
Edited by aMcConghie16: 2/19/2016 1:15:37 AM318 Titan need another Titan and Hunter who are trying to farm quick Must have solar sniper and spindle or dragons breath Adults only please Message in game for invite gt above Xbox one
Xbox one. Gt as above, message for invite. will be running weapons of light with black spindle for dps. Need two.
318 Titan add and join wolfe86314. Imago Loop / Nightfall. PS4
Nightfall Need solar weapons farming imago loop Gt same as above need one at boss lvl
Need 1 to farm imago loop message joof50
Need 1 to farm imago loop gt SolidGoldAce (have done several times already just looking for perfect roll lol)
looking for team 317 warlock
PS4 right infront of the Boss room need 2 PSN: Ziffly
Need 1 to repeatedly speed run the nightfall for a chance of getting a loop to drop Message deleteriouss for an invite
Need 1 hunter for imago loop farm/glitch with mic
316 Titan to farm loop / nightfall Gt above Looking to join a farm group