All those looking for others to help farm the Undying Mind Nightfall for Imago Loop, feel free to post/search here for potential groups.
Xbox One - 318 Warlock LFG Nightfall Imago Loop farming. Send message to Psittacidae13 for invite.
Looking for squad im a 318 Titan Message veziina to send invite.
Need one, preferably a Titan for imago loop farm. At boss. Intend to do dragon's breath method to speed up farm. Message for invite on Xbox one GT - Warlock YT
Need 1 for lmago loop farm Xbox one gt same as above
Need 2 for imago loop farming ps4. Psn chris_1113
Looking for two gardians to farm imago loop. On PS4, same psn.
Need 2 for imago loop, doing dragons breath method. Message x J L e W on Xbox one.
315 titan lf nf
315 hunter with spindle and touch looking to farm the loop on xbone. Get the same
Edited by Warlock: 2/18/2016 7:20:19 PM319 warlock looking to farm imago loop Looking to do dragonsbreath method on boss Message/invite me on Xbox GT - Warlock YT
Looking to farm for imago loop, 315 defender titan on XBOX ONE, gt same as above.
Need to farm imago loop inv me 319 Titan
Looking to farm the imago loop nf Need 1 message for invite
Need 2 to repeatedly speed run the nightfall for a chance of getting a loop to drop Message deleteriouss for an invite
Need 2 hunter or Titan loop farm ps4.. Please know strat
I'm a Titan with weapons of light and spindle (ps4) need two who know the strat or I can join add rj182
Edited by Old Man Peeej: 2/18/2016 6:45:52 PMI need 2 to do the Imago Loop farm Xbox One: x Ichor IV
Anyone wanna farm the imago loop I know a way to keep Farming it at the end easy way so we don't need to restart the nightfall at all if anyone wanna join and ready to farm let's go on ps4 add thebadboy348
Anyone wanna farm the imago loop I know a way to keep Farming it at the end easy way so we don't need to restart the nightfall at all if anyone wanna join and ready to farm let's go on ps4 add thebadboy348
Need 2 to repeatedly speed run the nightfall for a chance of getting a loop to drop Message deleteriouss for an invite
Need a team to farm imago loop using dragons breath. XB1, gt same as above.
Need one for quick farming We have a strat Be at least 315 and have sleeper or solar weapons Message for invite
Anyone wanna farm the imago loop I know a way to keep Farming it at the end easy way so we don't need to restart the nightfall at all if anyone wanna join and ready to farm let's go on ps4 add thebadboy348
Can Simone explain the dragons breath cheese? A link would help thanks Xbox one gt st3althb0mb3r15
Just about to farm imago, any guardians have advice on the best way to farm it?
Looking for others to farm on xbox one ,msg me your class for inv