All those looking for others to help farm the Undying Mind Nightfall for Imago Loop, feel free to post/search here for potential groups.
Xbox One - 318 Warlock LFG Nightfall Imago Loop farming. Send message to Psittacidae13 for invite.
Need one more for nightfall
Need 1 for imago loop farming and knows how to speed run PSN brandnew2010
Looking to join anyone who would like to farm the nightfall for the infamous Imago Loop. Message or Invite me if interested, Gt: A wet Peanut Xbox One
Need One, ps4
Need one to [b][i][u]FARM[/u][/i][/b] NF Message Dranreb MB for inv
LFG - bennybevin
Need 2 for speed farming Imago above
319 Titan looking to farm imago on xb1 inv iTzZ rOb x
Looking to farm imago loop. Xb1. 319 hunter.
Need 2 to farm must have fire sniper and heavy Ps4
Edited by Boltergeist69: 2/17/2016 6:02:49 PMNeed one to speed farm imago loop must have good sniper xbox one
Titan looking to farm imago loop on ps4 Add brandnew2010
316 Titan Lf nightfall Gt above
Hunter looking ta farm the loop message redneckgoncrazy
Farming the nightfall for the perfect imago loop if you gonna message make sure u stay We will be speed running through if done right each run will take about 5 - 6 mins Message [b]DHG instincts[/b] for invite
Edited by Boltergeist69: 2/17/2016 5:50:29 PM319 titan looking to speed farm imago loop must have good sniper xbox one
Xbox one: Need one to farm loop. MSG gt as above
Edited by aMcConghie16: 2/17/2016 5:41:27 PMNeed one for quick farming We have a strat Be at least 315 and have sleeper or solar weapons Message for invite Xbox one
Nerd 1 for a couple of runs
Need 2 for nf at boss psn jlvcdragon (ps4)
Speed farming nightfall for imago loop. Message Ike UK for invite. XBOX one
Looking for team for nf Maybe farm a few times for llmago 319 warlock Invite gt above Adults only please
Need 2 to farm loop psn nibbor99
need 2 for the LOOP GT ivaio24 XBOX ONE
Lfg for imago loop ps4 I'll be on 4pm pacific time I have 6 min strategy from start to finish
Xbox One - 318 Warlock LF1M Nightfall Imago Loop farming. Send message to Psittacidae13 for invite.