All those looking for others to help farm the Undying Mind Nightfall for Imago Loop, feel free to post/search here for potential groups.
Xbox One - 318 Warlock LFG Nightfall Imago Loop farming. Send message to Psittacidae13 for invite.
316 warlock. Need 2. No mic needed. I will be running multiple times for imago loop. Join for how ever many you want. Msg for inv xb1
316 warlock. Need 1. No mic needed. I will be running multiple times for imago loop. Join for how ever many you want. Msg for inv
PS4. need one for imago loop farming dragon breath.
Looking for two for nightfall dr slump28. Have a mic and no Kids!!! Need to run it twice
Defender Titan here looking for a team to do imago loop farm on nightfall via dragons breath method. I'm experienced and can do the suicide. I need one other Defender and any other character. Solar snipers are required and a mic. Psn: ChickenBiscuts
need one for imago dragon breath farm ps4
Need one for farm Gt;Eliphantes
320 titan For loop farm Xbox 1 Send invite
Need 2 players that know to use the dragon's breath method and have a high impact solar sniper. GT SSJ Undertaker
318 Titan for loop farm
PS4 add Vandal_Savage86 for loop farming
320 titan For loop farm Xbox 1 Send invite
Need 1 (Titan preferred) for imago loop farm Msg darkstelcolusus for inv Xbox one
Edited by bsanders7682: 2/22/2016 6:35:14 AMPs4 317 titan need 1 for imago loop farm must have dragons breath
317 Titan LF fireteam to farm imago loops. PS4
316+ Titan looking for 2 more guardians For imago loop farm on Xbox 1 Must have mic and solar sniper Preferably Titans Send class and light in message Gt same
Need 1 (Titan preferred) for imago loop farm Msg darkstelcolusus for inv Xbox one
318 hunter have db and thousand yard/black spindle lookin to farm imago loop
316+ Titan looking for 2 more guardians For imago loop farm on Xbox 1 Must have mic and solar sniper Preferably Titans Send class and light in message Gt same
Need 1 (Titan preferred) for imago loop farm Msg darkstelcolusus for inv Xbox one
Looking for Nightstalker to Loop farm on PS4. We have 2 319 titans and a DB. Message or add psn same as forum handle
Looking to farm loop on Xbox one know how to do the cheese
PS4. 319 Titan/320 hunter. Need 2 for farming. I have dragon's breath and some idea of what to do, just haven't done it.
Need 2 who know how to farm for imago loop. Need 2 Titans, one with dragons breath. Msg gt above for an inv
Edited by Weeeaal: 2/22/2016 5:37:04 AMLooking to Loop farm on ps4. I am 319 Titan with solar 320 solar 1kyd and 320 DB and Sleeper with mic. Psn same as forum handle (Weeeaal) Add or msg me
Need 2 for Imago Loop farm must have a Dragons Breath Black Spindle and 1k stare and we will sort it out then at boss have CP gt und3rlink3d