All those looking for others to help farm the Undying Mind Nightfall for Imago Loop, feel free to post/search here for potential groups.
Xbox One - 318 Warlock LFG Nightfall Imago Loop farming. Send message to Psittacidae13 for invite.
Imago farm. Need titan with solar sniper for kill/suicide strat. xbox one
Need one for imago loot farming on xbox one. Must know the dragons breath method. Must have a solar sniper. Message on live for invite.
Fresh run need two
Need 2 who know how to farm for imago loop. Need a Titan and someone with dragons breath. Msg gt above for an inv
Need 2 titan's for Imago Loop farm must have a Dragons Breath Black Spindle and 1k stare and we will sort it out then at boss have CP gt und3rlink3d
XboxOne: 315 Titan just looking for the the fatebringer 2.0 GT: DBZxCrazyNoonga
Need a warlock with dragons breath for imago farm
Need one Titan or Hunter with high impact solar for imago farm.
Need a Titan with high impact solar sniper for farm. Xboxone. Message me for invite^^^
Need 1 for loop farming on Xbox 1 Must have mic and solar sniper Gt same Xbox 1
Need 1 Titan with bubble for loop farming on Xbox 1 Must have mic and solar sniper Gt same Xbox 1
Looking to farm imago with dragons breath method msg @Tido702 for inv need 2
for nightfall. Add phenixof4 titan 319 must 310+ ps4
Need 1 for loop farm on xb1 (preferably titan) please know dB strat. Msg Wyatt derp 1
Need 1 for loops ps4 dB strategy
we need one titan who knows the dragon breaths strategy that wants to join us and farm, at the boss now on PS4 add Vandal_Savage86
Looking for a hunter that has dragons breath/ knows the farm xbone
Edited by ReaganRhythm: 2/22/2016 1:11:08 AMJust looking to beat nightfall on three characters. PS4 2x 315 Hunters 308 Titan Need 2
I need two for farming imago loop. Message Pro7MasterChief for an invite.
Lf1. Preferably a hunter. (But it doesn't matter) Farming restorative mind. Looking to do it for at least an hour.
317 Titan Looking to farm nightfall for imago loop
316 hunter looking for the farm inv me
Imago farm. Need titan with solar sniper for kill/suicide strat. xbox one
Looking to farm imago loop send me jnv bull9204
Looking to farm imago with dragons breath method msg @Tido702 for inv need 2
Edited by Cardinals9811: 2/22/2016 12:51:26 AMNeed one for nf ps4