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Edited by nallimokmok: 2/19/2016 7:50:46 AM

Fallout 4 veteran helping others + questions thread

I know pretty much everything avout the game and have beaten it multiple times. If you have any questing related to fallout 4 ask away: perks, enemies, quest, help, gliches, personal preferances or more(not lore, i suck at lore) Ok maybe a little lore but dont expect me to be right. Go here for lore: Tell em nalli sent ya Ill reply to all comments when i have time. Nalli's tips and tricks: •DONT get the last rank of big leagues its bugged and lower your melee dmg instead(fixed) •minor spoiler [spoiler]after you've joined the railroad do a few quests to get ballistic fiber(its the best thing ever) you can even leave or kill the railroad after you've got it if you feel like it[/spoiler] •actuall best overall weapon(im sorry i -blam!-ed up): spray and pray with maxed explosion dmg is da shit. Sold by cricket. Can be dropped as a legendary. Does more DOS than the overseers guardian and does AOE and does extra stagger and has better stability. •2nd best overall weapon: overseers guardian found in vault 81 sold by a vendor no quests required. Best melee weapon: a tie between "general chao's revenge" sold by trudy in the drumlin diner and "kreemvh's tooth" found in dunwich borers at the botton of the water att the end(bevare of high level raiders). They both do the same dmg and have the same dps the difference is that "general chao's revenge" does 50% more dmg against robots and "kreemvh's tooth does poison dmg(extra tip: "kreemvh's tooth" has some great range and you can kill protectrons without opening their cage. •if you use more health item than you need for max health you'll heal faster. So if you have max medic and use 15 stimpaks at once you'll actually heal instantly even on survival. DLC REVEALED: Straight from bethesda's website: At the bottom of the article you can sign up for a free dlc beta. [spoiler]my original thread broke and couldnt be bumped so i made a new one. All my recent posts can be found in the #nalli tag.[/spoiler]

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