Zone Control just feels like it was made for Iron Banner, and is the best game mode to exemplify team work above all else. I know it has next to a 0% chance of changing from Clash for this months IB, but perhaps the next one can be Zone Control?
I like zone control a lot. I don't even mind the guys that don't play the objective as long as they're good slayers I'll cap dem zones.
Wow wow wow hold on. A game mode where you actually have to play the objective? Surely you know that all game modes are supposed to be team deathmatch, right?
That's my favorite game type. Anything obj, really.
Zone control would be a good iron banner playlist. Anything over rift.
I hate clash with a passion.
Most idiots play Zone Control like it's Clash so what's the difference?
I'm not going to hate on you, but I personally think that Zone Control is the biggest waste of time ever in Destiny, so I'm perfectly fine with Clash
Clash is good.
The matches take too long, coordination is key, and comebacks are few and far between in Zone Control.
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
Not as team dependent as Rift so solo players don't feel excluded, but given the simplified scoring I imagine certain bounties will be difficult to complete. I say why not, as long as the "top scoring player bounty" is changed to something more mode appropriate. -
I screwed up the balance. I don't think it would be a good idea. No need for level advantages in that case. Just play normal control or bring back rift
Absolutely hate that mode, but whatever it's all good.
I actually liked rift
I love IB and I think Clash suits it well. You have a lot of people that don't play the crucible and clash only has one objective. Kill stuff!! When it's Control, people just have no idea how to win. Rift was the same way but Clash is easy. Kill stuff don't die. Dumbing it down for the masses is great and I can't wait.
[i]I'm[/i] on board. I worry that the average destiny gamer won't 'get it' though. And there's the issue of meaningful bounties. But I'd play, it's a great game type.
I want rumble for IB
Bring back rift!!!
So many disagree because kills don't count towards the score. How pathetic.
No just no
As long as matchmaking improves then yes. Make a freelance list as i could see solo players being punished hard otherwise
Woah... 50/50
It would be awesome but the rounds take so long, it'd take forever to hit rank 5... :(
I loved zone control.
Are you ready toooo RUMBLE!!
Are you a year 2 noob?