[b]Colonel Jaeger was never suited towards social gatherings, whether it be parties or parades. He fiddled with his service jacket, making sure his medals were adjusted to the perfect angle. Like most high ranking officers in the United Federation Navy, his suit was black with a dark blue trim running along the edges, and his rank displayed on his left shoulder. His hair was cut short, as he had maintained it during and after the War, with not a inch of facial hair or stubble[/b]
I hate these things..
[b]After being satisfied with his medals, he walk over the the Bar, which was crowded by other war veterans, and ordered a Gilain Whiskey
When it arrived, he grabbed the glass, and looked at it, watchng the ice in it slowly melt, frosting the edges, before toasting.[/b]
To the winners....Heh
[b]He drunk it in one gulp, before setting it down[/b]
Or rather... the survivors.
*the Shadowed One walks up to him, his transport having landed shortly before "You are Jaeger, are you not?"-Shadowed One
[i]Colonel[/i] Jaeger, is what most in the Federation know me as... Though, you aren't Federation. Or Union. No, you look like your Alliance.
Edited by SilverPulse620: 2/20/2016 8:20:52 PM"You are correct. I am known as the Shadowed One. I came to this galaxy to find SilverPulse620, which I found. It is good to meet you. I bring you and the Federation the tidings of the Alliance and their sincerest apologies for their attack on your worlds. We were nearly trying to free Silver."-Shadowed One *he seems sincere, but there is something strange about him
An old man, about 60, sits next to him "They're one in the same, those two things."
Ain't that the truth. You with the Re- I mean the Union?
"Employed by the Alliance."
Hmph. [b]He takes another drink[/b]
"Right? They were too good to engage in a little shady activity."
So, your not a Mercenary? Why would they hire you then?
"No, I'm a mercenary. They wanted extra fodder. I'm just not above doing some shady activity."
[b]wheatley, seemingly rather young, sits at a table and begins fiddling with his arm, noticing you as his eyes grow wide in shock. He scrambles for a gun [/b]
[b]everything around him seemed to slow to a stop as a shadowed figure approached him[/b] Next time your life is mine [b]in the blink of an eye the figure is gone [/b]
[b]He quickly looked around[/b] The hell? Who was that?