"He is... But I kinda am Aswell, and he's gotten me through a lot of things no man could have, he's witnessed the hostile takeover of ashuna, the glassing of corra, both my predecessors deaths, and this massive war.. He has a right to be insane, plus TAC went all commie mode on me and tried to turn me into another one of them..."
[b] he motions toward a group of lowly federation grunts[/b]
*he sees them and looks back to Wheatley "I see you passed our test. If not, you would be dead or still working for the Federation. Impressive."-Shadowed One *he pulls Tac's chip out of Wheatley and plugs it into his own helmet, and starts to talk with him
[b]Tac has been severely injured and speaks in broken phrases[/b] "Alliance Casualties unsustainable." Federation Hivemind assuming control" Federation affiliation requested..."
"Denied."-Shadowed One *the trooper finishes up her repairs and walks back into the group
Edited by Cosmic: 2/19/2016 3:08:30 AM"Reassuming alliance affiliation. Identification, AI T.A.C combat advisor..." [b]wheatley moves his arm around [/b]
"Nice to have you back."-Shadowed One *he turns to Wheatley "What did you learn about Golden and Entropy? Amy locations of bases, recruitment?"-Shadowed One
"Some planet... The cities on it are completely desolate..."
Edited by SilverPulse620: 2/19/2016 3:17:30 AM"What was the name of the planet?"-Shadowed One *his voice is firmer again
"Aricktacs? Something like that..."
"Aragosa? Is that it? Aragosa Prime?"-Shadowed One *he seems concerned while saying it, as though he is scared about the possible fate of that world
"YEAH! Me and silver got into this huge fight with him, he tried to use me to kill him..."
"Interesting."-Shadowed One
"Heyyy. Don't be stabbing me, now" [b]he jumps up, his eyes narrowed [/b]