"Most of my enhacments are federation tech. They made me but unknowingly made the instrument of their own destruction"
"Your not... Are you a robot..." [b]he looks over, shocked[/b]
"No I'm human."
[b]he raises an eyebrow [/b] "Don't lie."
"I'm not lying"
"Fiiiine... It's been awhile since I've met a robot..." [i]"HMMMM...."[/i] "FINE, FINE... God tim, you are really protective." [i]"damn right I am."[/i] "So what brings you back Round here?"
"Well my home was destroyed by the feds so I figured why not go have an explore of the galaxy" [spoiler]she isn't a robot read her bio[/spoiler]
"Heh... I'm in the same boat. My homeworld was glassed, murdering the wisps. I'm a third generation clone."
"My family was killed by the feds"
"I'm sorry..."
"Don't be"
"I've had everything I care for ripped from me... Three times. I know how that feels. I'm sorry... No one deserves that."
"But that's just how the world works"
"You learn to live with it"
"I have, especially after three times over."
"I've gotten used to the depression and nightmares"
"Ehh... Drown the nightmares in the screams of your dying sanity and use your depression as a tool. You don't have much to live for, so just go for it."
"Sounds effective"
"It is."
"Thanks for the advice but I'll probably just stick to sleepless nights and alcohol"
"Haha, deal with it your way man, I'm not here to change lives"