Anyone have any Idea's what they will be? or What they want them to be and Why?
As It's Bungie, I'm dreading that they will give us an increase to 330 Light.
Personally I would like something like 360 or something Higher this way we have a long way to go but then again I don't want the stupid thing of easy leveling up to Level 40 in the Taken King.
340 or 365 I figure, like the old light level 34 and max weapon damage of 365 in year one. Old Raids with new Raid perks minus the primary elemental damage. There's a lot of taken-tots that have not played any previous Raids. And then there's the vets who are playing old Raids with new weapons and speed running through it which I don't think Bungie likes. It's their game and the want us to play it their way. Sadly, this has been done far too many times on Bungie's part. Bungie wants players to play all aspects of their game within their control.