Yesterday, I played a few control matches. 90% of the people had green bars. Two guys on the opposite team were constantly red and/or yellow. They were the number 1 and 2 of their team and they won by a landslide. The number one got 7105 points and number two 5000+. Too bad I can’t post their gamertags. Number one had a full trials suit, so he probably lagged his ass flawless a few times. One time he literally shot me from across the map with a shotgun.
The following games were less extreme but still: a lot of the times the red and yellow bars were a lot “better” than the green bars.
In Bungies world these red and yellow bar guardians have skill. When people shoot them, they don’t take damage and therefore they win most of the fights. They gain the most points, have a higher K/D ratio and are therefore “better”.
To me it is absolutely MINDBLOWING that we still don’t have 100% connection based matchmaking. Because how do you get skilled at this game if your kills don’t register because your opponents are lagging through the game? How is it even AT ALL possible to have a skill based matchmaking system when your “skill” is partly determined by how much you’re lagging?
Therefore 100% CBMM. Always. Every gametype. If you have a red bar for longer than a minute you will get kicked automatically.
When you have a 100% CBMM some games will be too easy and other games will be too hard. But isn’t that part of the charm? It is still a 100000% better than losing a game to laggers.
Should I post this on Reddit in order for it to get read?
Perfectly said!!
U know the point comes when u and ur teammates try to focus on guy that is lagging and his teammates shotes u while u do no damage to him .... Thats the one thing that ruins everything ...
Just cause they have a trials suit doesn't mean anything....just saying bounties are easy all 3 of my characters have full trials gear shell and weapons, except the sniper damn thing keeps evading me, anywho I'm not good at trials or I just haven't found the right team regardless I know your frustration and I agree, not so much that it's hard to kill them but that they blatantly do it in from of us an bungie and they do nothing about it, I don't think we will see much improvement until they decide to drop old gen an we get dedicated servers atleast then they can implement a program that automatically detects foul play and KICK! #inb4ban
Destiny is running stale, take a break like I am mate. It will help once they release content. I recently got back into playing never winter.
Osiris is almost exclusively made up of cheaters... It's not even fun to play.
Totally agree!!!!! Better to lose a game with the feeling you encountered really a better gamer then losing against laggers.
You are not alone in your feelings. Many have been complaining.