I'm needing help defeating Thracu and Alak-Hul within thirty seconds of each other. Thus far, I've had the issue that someone will kill one off too fast and there's no hope to follow up with the other, so I'm looking to make a fireteam to help rather than relying on matchmaking. Any volunteers? Feel free to add me; just tell me what I'm being added for first! :)
Also, any tips on how to get this done with little-to-no issue? Any weapons that seem to work better in the dark cell against Alak-Hul? I've been doing my 1000-Yard Stare and my Rocket Launcher when not using my auto.
I need to do this, I am on ps4!
I'll help if you're on Xbox it's my favourite strike I'm always helping people anytime they need help with this.
Add and invite me if you need people.
I'm looking to do that to I'm on right now Xbox one armored jin gamer tag
I'll help out later on tonight if ur on then
Done it on wednesday with complete randoms. Wipped once. Got in party chat. Done it. Best would be to do Wednesday or find some friends to help.
This is pretty easy if you are going for bolt caster as the knight is a sword knight and thus can be solo'd. All you do is get the knight down to a third health. Then leave him to run around. Then get alkul down to a fraction of his health(around 2%) then once he telrports away, kill the knight and as soon as he telrports back in kill him. Ifgoing for dark drinker or raze lighter it's a bit tougher to solo as they are both boomer Knights but same process works. Just keep jumping in corner clockwise circles the whole fight and you'll be fine.
Honestly dude you'll probably not find anyone willing to help you unless you do it on Wednesday's when everyone has to do it.
I've never gotten past the part where I need to gather materials cuz I got too lazy so I've never done your part lol but I'd be happy to help you!