Captain America Civil War is coming out in a few months, so what side are you on?
Team Black Panther
I hope Cap dies and Bucky takes over like in the comics. Steve is pretty boring
Team Ant-Man
Team stark, marvel heroes are vigilantes, it's better to keep their activities logged
Stark gotta be able to accept rules otherwise how are you any better
Team Parker
Whichever side has Black Panther
Captain America, to the death!
Bramd - old
Amurica!!! -
I follow the Captain.
Iron man is better. Gotta feel bad for buckey though
Edited by LadiesMan217164: 2/20/2016 2:46:10 PMNow who's side are you one?!? [spoiler]still team stark[/spoiler]
Edited by BilboTbaggins: 2/20/2016 2:48:30 PMStark
In the comic books [spoiler]Captain America dies[/spoiler]
Stark because I feel sorry for him "You know I wouldn't do this if I had any other choice. He's my friend" "So was I."
Team Cap
Capn America
My shortened name on here is StarK, so I mean
Cap'n 'Murica
Stark ftw
Iron man