Col volkov sat in the ship's galley, sipping vodka. He'd talked with a few of the crew, mostly he stayed with members of the federal army. He'd talked with the Geth a few times, it was enlightening. The synthetic life form would have fit in with the Russians, hard worker, collective minded, and intelligent. The Geth often spoke of his people, and the quarians. Volkov knew that there were at least a few onboard now, he wondered if the one captain he'd meet was here.
"Been everywhere man! But the last place I was at was called the digital dojo, but I haven't been there for a while"
He nods. "I've heard of that place. I thought it was destroyed some time ago."
"Nah, but I don't know right now...."
"In any case, what do you need?"
"Just chatting, you need anything?"
"Not that I can think of no."
"Man oh man, gotta see where we're goin!"
"How do you know?"
"I dint know, kinda my point"
"Ah, I thought you meant you knew. I think it's a remote planet to begin with."
"Be nice, see more than I have before"
"It's all the same eventually. One rock after another, doesn't matter where you are dead is still dead."
"If rather be dead among friends than dead alone Dead at home than in the dark but sure man"
"We all would." He said nodding.
[b]a vent opens and this dude comes slowly popping out above a bar, his hair and arms dangling from vent as he lowers himself upside down mission impossible style, reaching for a loaf of bread.[/b]
"You know the food is free right? Even if you are stowaway?"
[b]he notices you and freezes, his eyes narrow in fear as many guards surround him with rifles. A heavily armored one hits him across the face with a shock baton, sending him sprawling to the ground[/b]
The man sits and drinks his drink and sighs. Getting up he orders them to take the guy to the brig and waits for him to wake up.
[b]he wakes up, dazed and confused. Now that he's missing the half mask, it reveals atleast one guard had seen his mouth shut[/b]
"Now then. What have you done?"
[b]he looks up at you, confused and terrified, suddenly waking up In a cell, unable to speak. He looks at you, his eyes darting all around desperately looking for an escape[/b]
The man removed the wires keeping his mouth shut.
"AGH! WHY?!"
"I was hoping you'd say."