Was channel surfing and I saw a Pokemon move was on...
So what should I be made aware of lore/Pokemon/Universe rule changes since whatever year SoulSilver came out.
[b] [/b]
*a wild gringo has appeared*
New pokemon episodes and movies are garbage
Idk tbh, my last game I believe was Pokemon white and that was that.
Ash is still 10.
Edited by Depressed pika: 2/21/2016 1:15:46 AMIdk. Is pikachu a have turned emo and rebelled against ash
Battle rules: Standard new moves, Pokemon, abilities, etc. New type: Fairy, weak to steel and poison, good against dark, fighting, forgot what else Certain Pokemon and moves changed/ buffed New mechanic: mega evolution, give certain Pokemon an item to give it a once per battle buff in stats and possible change in abilities (one use per battle)
Tyrantrum is best Pokeman.
____________________________________ . -^ `--, /# =========`-_ /# (--====___====\ /# .- --. . --. | /## | * ) ( * ), |## \ /\ \ / | |### --- \ --- | |#### ___) #| |###### ##| \##### ---------- / \#### ( `\### | \### | \## | \### . . ) `======= / ____________________________________ SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!
Bramd - old
Soulsilver does not do much... But it was the best DS game