Shooting groups of black people in matching hoodies!
All I got to say is wow. I've played 48hrs of the closes beta and 15hrs of the open beta and not once did I notice the color (race) of the Ai. If you were taught to see color that's all you see. It's amazing to see race put in everything today. Let me guess I bet you are a black youth between the age of 15 to 25 . You are the targeted audiance for the race propaganda in this country. Tought by common core, the media and the wealthiest minorities. Don't be a puppet and use your own commen sense. I grew up in the 80's and 90's. What we were being tought was to not judge a person by the color of his skin and that everyone is equal and deserved equal opportunity. In the early 2000's I really thought this country was head to real equality for the fist time in our nations history. Enter Barrack Obama, Enter Al Sharpton. I believe these men are bent on anger and want white America to suffer for the sins of there grandfather's. Now there are whispers of a race war throughout the land. 20+years of moving towards of a truly color blind nation undone in less than eight by these men. So sad.