I lost all faith in this game's playerbase, simply because of this one LFG post:
[quote]"Need five 4 orix hardd raid must bee 319 defendeer titan or nightwalker huntter with touche of malise & blacc cpindle we will be carring a 285 warloluck."[/quote]
Assuming you can see past the awful spelling, grammar, and punctuation in this atrocious run-on sentence, and can understand what this derp was actually TRYING to say, let it sink in for a few minutes...
That may have been me. To get my own back I've start spamming ridiculous posts such as "must be left handed and have a sound knowledge of the works of Dickens", "MUST NOT have red hair or I leave", "must have all exotics in the game at 320, even the ones that havent been released yet", hopefully they will get the point...but probably won't.