If you're making a new character for The Forge then here is where you post it. You just have to post this.
Starter Gear(weapons and armor(if you have any)):
Abilities(magic, enhanced skills, powers(if you have any)):
[b]Name:[/b] Mark Lopez [b]Alias:[/b] Lopez [b]Age:[/b] 41 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 6'4 [b]Weight:[/b] 154 [b]Body type:[/b] Muscular, thin [b]Appearance:[/b] Covered from head to toe with feathers, arms are wings, hands are talons [b]Gear:[/b] LRX-28 Sniper Rifle- .308 rounds, 10x zoom scope http://imgur.com/a/Xhs3O Soaring Eagle laser pistol http://imgur.com/a/y286y Fires lasers from capacitor in magazine slot, can be removed entirely to fire 9mm ammo. Semi automatic, high damage, medium RoF, medium accuracy. NWH Marksman Armour (Modified)- http://imgur.com/a/We6D6 Specialized titanium armour, with nanomachines in the joints to block bullets. The faster the oncoming shot, the tighter the nanomachines weave themselves to block it. Specialized energy shields to absorb plasma/laser shots. The suit can send the shields to one specific part of the body to act as a superheated weapon (blades to hands, etcetera) and can overload itself, heating the suit to around 250° Celsius, without and damage to the user.