[b]Falls to the ground and gets up with my hand on my now bruised cheeck[/b] Oww! That hurt a lot. [b]Pulls out a staff and charges Nice Monster[/b]
AH! [b]holds the handle of the scythe out in front of me as if it will block[/b]
Edited by Hana Song: 2/21/2016 8:18:57 PMHuh? [b]Jumps over Nice Monster and lands perfectly on her feet[/b]
[b]turns around[/b] You're not going to hit me?,
Maybe [b]Picks up a rock and throws it[/b]
[b]catches it and throws it back at your face with all my might[/b]
[b]Sees your preparation of the throw and ducks to not be hit by Tod the rock.[/b] Sorry Tod...
You named a rock?
Edited by Hana Song: 2/21/2016 8:22:07 PMWhat could I say, rocks are pretty cool... [b]Charges at the "Monster" with staff with all my might![/b]
[b]holds fist out[/b]
[b]Stops running and pokes it's fist with Staff.[/b]
[b]grabs the staff and pulls it[/b]
[b]Gets into a kicking position as he pulls it[/b]
[b]gets kicked and falls back[/b]
You okay? [b]Takes the staff back and pokes the Monster[/b]
[b]grabs it again and pulls you down[/b] [b]proceeds to get up and kick you[/b]
How do I win!? [b]Lets go of staff and quickly Rolls away before being kicked[/b]
[b]picks up staff[/b] Knock me out, kill me, or make me give up. [b]slams the staff against your chest[/b]
I can't do tha-... [b]Gets knocked back into the wall roughly[/b] I can't do this anymore [b]Gets up, my body aching[/b]
Well, here. [b]throws you the staff[/b] Hit me.
Alrighty then. [b]Starts to run and hits the Monster with the staff[/b]
[b]falls and winks at you[/b] [b]yells[/b] No please! I give up! You win!
[b]Pants heavily and acknowledges the wink with a smile[/b] I knew I'd win!! [spoiler]What now?[/spoiler]
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