The group of fed marines entered the hanger, smaller than their space marine counterparts yet still as effective. Their leader stepped forward.
"Identify yourselves."
The closest, and smallest, of the Marines turns to speak. The others carry on with their conversation. 'I am Captain Leifsson of the Void Wolves. As for my business here, a fellow Captain from another Chapter said he'd seen my daughter board this ship. As i am looking for my daughter, i am obligated to board this ship in my search.'
The man didn't back down. "If you provide documentation and stay here my men and I can find her, and [u][i]if[/i][/u] she wants to see you, we'll bring her here."
Edited by Sigmar: 2/21/2016 10:18:06 PM'As i adopted her from a dead war-zone, i have no documentation of it. Her name is Katherine Borshe, she's got ashen hair, and she's abnormally tall compared to most. I can understand you not wanting to force her down here, but i can assure you I'm not here because of a fight or disagreement.'
"Listen sir, if she's onboard we'll find her, if not well that's your problem not ours. I've sent the description to my men onboard and they programmed the ship's AI to find her. It should be less than an hour."
'Alright, that is acceptable. Now, as for your purpose in this system, what is it? If it's research, we could organize a deal while we're here.'
"In a manner of speaking yes, research is our primary goal."
'Then I imagine this vessel isn't too heavily armed. Even if it is heavily armed, it doesn't seem to have an abundance of crewmen either. We could organize a trade, we bolster your protection, and you share the research you gather so that we can bring it back to our scientists back home.'
"I appreciate the offer but you're an outsider. However if your daughter vouches for you I think we could work something out."
'That works. Our Battle Barge isn't the cream of the crop, but it's strong enough to cripple anyone with a mind to attack you. Helps with orbital bombardments too, if it were to come to that. On top of that, I've got half a Veteran Company, and three Light Companies on hand in the event a hostile boarding takes place. Thought I'd offer what i have at hand before we settle terms, let you know whats on the table.'
"How many men total? And how loyal are they?"
Edited by Sigmar: 2/21/2016 10:33:43 PM'All together, not counting the Battle Barges crew, 357 Marines. Our crew can handle themselves if our ship is to be boarded, so the men will probably be split amongst both ships. It seems the best option. Loyalty is unquestioned among us, we've never had a man betray us in our Chapters many millennia of existence.'
"I don't mean to offend you with these questions but I want to know what I'm dealing with. Now if your daughter vouches for you I agree to hire your men to act as security contractors."
'No offense was taken. Just remember we're here for the research, not money. None of our men, or our people, want for anything.'
"You want access to the findings then? I might be able to work that out too."
'We just want a copy of all the research data you have or will have while we are with you. It keeps us from having to come back out here with a research vessel of our own.'
He nods. "Anything less than top secret you'll have access to."
'Anything top secret our friends in the Cabal can find out, so it is no issue.'
He scoffs. "Why do we even try sometimes?"
'Hiding things from people is a good way to wind up dead, Inquisition knows that better than anyone or anything. And besides, if this is such a peaceful 'research' mission, then why are you trying to hide things with secrecy?'
"Old habits, you have your people attacked again, again, and again. You tend to play cards close to your chest."
'Well, not giving people a reason to attack you is another good habit to acquire. Same as not living near people who hate you, that also helps.'
"Few of those can be completely controlled."
'That is false. They can be as controlled as you want, provided you have the means and the will.'
"Controlling people is not easy. Envy is a powerful enemy. And fate is a bitch."
'Try not to control people, it works wonders. Our home runs perfectly well, and we use a barter system for the gods sake.'