The group of fed marines entered the hanger, smaller than their space marine counterparts yet still as effective. Their leader stepped forward.
"Identify yourselves."
[i]"Sig, I'll live forever No need to worry"[/i] [b]She laughs then[/b] [i]"So, what's the cause of leading an entire, manned expedition to find me?"[/i]
'Because i worry, and because all of your uncles worry too. Even Sigmar and Baldr, if you can believe it.'
[i]"Sigmar actually gives a shit? That's a surprise"[/i]
'He does, but you know how he is. He shows about as much emotion as a rock, but he cares. May not admit it, but he does care.'
[i]"Sig needs to lighten up then"[/i]
'He won't, he'll probably be like that until he finds out what happened all those years ago. Maybe then he'll lighten up, but I don't see that happening until he gets a little closure. And with the age of our missing persons case, that may not ever happen.'
[i]"She's probably dead, that's my guess"[/i]
'You know he doesn't deal in anything less than fact. Until he has believable proof of her fate, he won't give up on it. Don't see why he hasn't ever found someone for himself before that though, what with the way he is and all. It's probably because he eats that Hákarl stuff though, nasty fish.'
[i]"Foul food for a foul man"[/i]
'Come on, it's not kind to speak that badly of him. You just pick on him because he always picked on you when you were a child.'
[i]"Hey, he still does it, so I'm gonna do it right back Gotta admit, sometimes it's funny"[/i]
'Sometimes it is, i do admit.'
[b]She chuckles again[/b] [i]"So, you here to stay? Or are you gonna go off and kill some more heretical shit?"[/i]
'Yes, I'm here to stay. There'll be plenty of heretical things around here to occupy my time. This ship looks like it belongs to a bunch of milk-drinkers, so there's something right off the bat.'
[i]"Hey, you should know I'm not a milk drinker Took on one of those damned Grtunts without armor, suffered a few hits, but I survived You Wolves have a weird initiation for Space Marines"[/i]
'That was mostly to mess with you, your real initiation was building your own set of armor and wargear. At least you weren't raised by an Ultramarine, or worse yet, a Blood Angel.'
[i]"True, would've turned out a lot different then"[/i]
'You wouldn't have turned out at all if the Blood Angels found you. You do remember what happens to civilians that stay around them too long, right?'
[i]"Eh, no Never looked into their history"[/i]
'Remember the Vampyr we fought on your first hunting trip? How inhuman they were? Well, the Blood Angels are as close as a person can get to being a Vampyr without being a ravening beast, and even then....'
[i]"Dear god That's -blam!-ed up..."[/i]
'Yeah, you're telling me. Now do you know why i worry about you dating people outside of Jotun?'
[i]"Basically I'd outlive them anyways, so I'm already limited in choices"[/i]
Pavel nods at her. "Guess I can recall my men. Figured you show up anyway. Says he's looking for you."