Yep, so easy, you should be back here gloating in a few hours! :)
Broheim.. I've put a lot of time in to get my 48 rumble wins with 52 to go... I think that gets me some entitlement... And i believe I've earned it. This game is nothing but a grind. Whether it was for exotics in Y1(because the exotic grind for Y2 was a joke), getting some decent crucible stats, or max grimoire if there is a way to measure your effort, then you can place yourself in an area of expertise.
Congrats on the achievements, man! Took me quite a while to grind out my Crucible wins, too. Definitely a lot of respect for anyone who can get this far, and still be cool to others
Finally got my salvage wins finished yesterday, so now it's just rumble and doubles that I have left. RIP my k/d
Lol I sympathize! Doubles has been more of a grind than I thought it would be, but definitely adds some spice back into the game when you've got some friends to grind with
Especially when it only comes around once a blue moon