You'll never guess what happened today...
I was surfing the forums when I encountered...
[b][i][u]TOWER HIGH.[/u][/i][/b]
I took a look inside, and was shocked at what I found.
I was like: [b][i][u]WOW.[/u][/i][/b]
I looked around some more, and I found a few drawings, some randomly linked fanfics, and some other things I shan't mention....
Listen, I like role playing, but not like that, man... Not like that...
Prove it! Link it!
Can't find it on the history- Wait, prove what?
Prove that the post exists
Tower High? [b][i][u]Every one knows of it.[/u][/i][/b]
The provide proof
I can't find it, I told you!! Tell you what, I'll go look in Aer's account.
I already did there was nothing
Then... I don't know what to say. I'll try harder.
Ok then good luck
Never Mind I found it
Ok then.
*silently avoids comment*
Come back!! It's just that I was so surprised at what I saw!!
*vex smoke engulfs me* nope *teleports away*
I'm in it
Cool. Do whatever you want man, I just felt the need to write about my experience. :)
They made fun of my twilight garrison.
Do want me to come? People will be shocked because an Archon came to the school, and I could beat up all the people who made fun of you. >:)
Naw man it's fine because we gunna do the raid :)
Ahhh man... I might visit again anyway..
How many times are you gonna change names..?
I just decided to