[b]It looked like an awkward hug, considering his size and the armor[/b]
[i]"Well, planned to, but then I got picked for his cruiser apparently"[/i]
'I noticed. One of the Sons saw you in a news report and told me about it. Me being me, i had to check up on you, since I haven't heard from you in a long while.' Gorm pats her on her left shoulder, and she notices he is missing his smallest finger on that hand.
[i]"Well, the hell'd you do this time? Swear, Gorm, whenever I'm not around you injure yourself somehow"[/i]
'Went out on a hunting expedition to the north with Sigmar. Killed a couple of Griffins that had been snooping around someones homestead, you know, busy work. Well, it went pretty well up until we cornered the last one, clawed Sigmars face up pretty good, and it got my finger, the bastard.'
[i]"Well, like Siggy should really care He's ugly enough as it is"[/i]
'Come on, he's not [i]that[/i] ugly. Still looks better than a wraith in spring. He's over there if you want to speak with him, the one with the Griffin pelt on his pauldron. I picked up Gwent while you were gone, takin' a liking to it too. Sigmar's damn good at it, so now i know why no one has yet beaten him.'
[i]"He hasn't faced me yet"[/i] [b]She chuckles[/b]
'Well, he's the Chapter Champion three years running, so its up to you. Give him that at least, its one of the few things that satisfies him anymore. Well, at least since that Battle-Sister he was talking to disappeared. I don't quite think he'll ever forgive himself for that.'
[i]"Damn, what happened to the Sister?"[/i]
'We don't really know. This was around the time Sigmar was working with that Task Force. One day he had to leave and clear up some business with the Sons, and the next thing he knows is that the Sister had disappeared completely, the Task Force didn't even know about it until he brought it up.'
[i]"Damn, that sucks, even though it was a few decades ago"[/i] [b]She sighs[/b]
'Yeah. The Sigmar you grew up with is a lot different than the one i knew before i adopted you. He used to be a lot kinder, now, I'm not really too sure about him sometimes. Anyways, what's new with you, other than you sighing all the time?'
[i]"New armor, made it a few days ago Other than that, not much really"[/i]
'Ah. Well, not meaning to pry, but some of the others heard you were dating a Scout Sergeant from the Dark Angels while we were in port not long ago, is that true?'
[i]"What the hell?! I'm not with anybody!"[/i] [b]She seems confused[/b] [i]"Who was it? I'm gonna give him a day with my fist!"[/i]
Gorm puts a hand on her shoulder. 'Its just a rumor we heard while we were looking for you, calm down. I just wanted to know whether or not it would have been a good clue to have followed. I guess it isn't though, must be more white-hairs like you running around.'
[i]"Hey, just because I look like a Disney character doesn't mean jack shit"[/i]
'I know child, i know. Its just easier to track you with that hair color of yours. Not so much now though, seems people are starting to take a liking to that hair color.'
[i]"True, next thing you know I'll be blending in way to easily"[/i]
'Yeah, then it'll be impossible to track you down. I hope for my sake that never happens though, you know you're the only child I'll ever have, so I'd rather not miss out on the important parts of your life.'
[i]"Sig, I'll live forever No need to worry"[/i] [b]She laughs then[/b] [i]"So, what's the cause of leading an entire, manned expedition to find me?"[/i]
'Because i worry, and because all of your uncles worry too. Even Sigmar and Baldr, if you can believe it.'
[i]"Sigmar actually gives a shit? That's a surprise"[/i]
'He does, but you know how he is. He shows about as much emotion as a rock, but he cares. May not admit it, but he does care.'
[i]"Sig needs to lighten up then"[/i]
'He won't, he'll probably be like that until he finds out what happened all those years ago. Maybe then he'll lighten up, but I don't see that happening until he gets a little closure. And with the age of our missing persons case, that may not ever happen.'