I lost all faith in this game's playerbase, simply because of this one LFG post:
[quote]"Need five 4 orix hardd raid must bee 319 defendeer titan or nightwalker huntter with touche of malise & blacc cpindle we will be carring a 285 warloluck."[/quote]
Assuming you can see past the awful spelling, grammar, and punctuation in this atrocious run-on sentence, and can understand what this derp was actually TRYING to say, let it sink in for a few minutes...
Must be 319 must have 320 spindle and 320 touch. Must not suck. Trying to get this done quick. I'm not afraid to boot you. No scrubs. It's always these groups that are the worst when I join them. I always end up saying "so....does this mean I get to boot all of you?"