So.... Clash.
I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "if that rocket was a suppository, would that Bad Man shove it up my ass?"
Get hyped. Iron Banner comes back Tuesday 2.23.16 as Clash, and salty buttholes are gonna be out in their Gold Spiral shaders with their cool emblem whining about the lag, cheaters, The Last Word, 1000 yard Stare, full teams, etc etc.
Despite [b]ALL[/b] that? Get your crap together, cause it's time to [u]fight[/u], guardians. Grab your Idaho potato, plug it into your router- and get ready for the LoLs. Teams of 6 will be monitoring the forums for "nerf this stupid weapon" and change their load out to MATCH IT. The purpose will be to provide as much brine as possible for [b]salt production[/b].
I love Iron Banner. I love Christmas noobs. I love any turd that will load up IB and has to go against me and my team starting Tuesday.
I love you, because I want to kill you all. Wait for the Tea-bag. The Team-bag is coming. And as always, my Choo-choo runs on enemy tears and Salt. Bring your hate.
See you there, guardians!
Haha can't wait to join a session where the score is 685-17835