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2/22/2016 3:04:23 AM
Yes anyone can, takes time and gives you more experience while you build up that Grimoire. Anyone can get a high KD, when I first started playing FPS games my KD were around .80. That was back in Modern Warfare 2. My KD in MW3 was 1.5, and my KD in Destiny is 1.3. Keep practicing and I might end up with a 1.7 or 1.9 in one of the later games. Anyone can get flawless with enough practice. I ran flawless in trails multiple times, believe my elo is platinum. That's just from practicing and experience in PvP. My first flawless raid was when Vault of Glass was out, took a while, multiple trys but I got it. A little bit before Kings fall came out I helped 2 of my friends get their flawless raider in Crotas End and it only took one try. If it can be done so easily why is yours 3290?

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  • I'm sorry, but there are plenty of people that have multiple hours in PvP, and have attempted the lighthouse more times than me and you, and just can't get good at it. I don't believe everyone can get better. No matter how good I get, on good days I average a 1.8 probably. I highly doubt I'll ever average over a 2.0 in any playlist. And I've been playing FPS since Goldeneye. Why don't I have a high Grimoire? Because I don't care about it. Same reason I've never done the Oryx raid, or beat Skolas. Or even Crota on Hard. Could I do those things in a weekend, or even a day? Sure. Yeah. But YouTube and ghost hunting entertains me about as much as raiding does anymore.

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