Tell me why in the replies.
I myself am skeptical about it, so I'd be in the unsure category. I just don't see how people could have abilities or whatever. Like mediums. I just don't know.
Edited by Keksis, enjoyer of memes: 2/22/2016 7:19:31 PMReal question is do the dead like being called I mean no wonder why they are mostly mad in movies they were enjoying peace and quiet sleep and you woke them up
I was sniffing my friend's sister's panties at her funeral yesterday. My nose touched her thigh by accident. I'm pretty sure that counts as contact.
Sometimes I ask for nudes through a Ouija board.
I have not experienced communicating with the dead, so I refuse to say whether I believe in the possibility of its existence.
I once farted in the tub. A few seconds later it smelt like the dead... No?
I mean, I can touch a dead person...
No, because the dead are dead.
I believe that the point of death is that you cant do anything. Youre a dead body. Your brain dies and so do your memories and your ability to think. So that would be a no.
There are ghosts everywhere you just need to look to a place long enough and you will be able to see them
Not physical contact and def not sexual... Yikes
Would seem like a fun experiment
Penis poll with an oversized nut
Edo tensei is real so yes contact with the ded is real
[i] *wipes hand; it smells of mortality* [/i] Yes. I mean all you have to do is dig up a corpse to make contact with the dead.
Edited by Special KKK: 2/22/2016 11:49:26 PMDoes it count if you are already dead inside??? ;-; [spoiler]#[i]theedgeisreal[/i][/spoiler]
I believe in ghosts if that counts... Story below [quote]one time at my friends a long time ago, we were all sitting upstairs at his house and i said hey if theres anyone up here, throw something and we heard something hit the wall right behind my friend... [/quote]
Definitely not.
Do you mean necrophilia? Dead boring if you ask me.....
Don't believe in mediums but I do believe in ghosts. Just too much audio and video evidence to say no
Yeah. Was alway curious to try a ouija board, but all my friends are little bitches
Nope, anyone who says they can is a fraudulent con artist.
Yes however I won't be making any. -blam!- that devil bs
My question is why don't they contact us?
Pseudopsychology, can't be proven with empirical evidence but can't be disproven.
Edited by Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds: 2/22/2016 3:11:23 PMNo, because nothing substantial has ever been produced to suggest there is an afterlife or that we become "spirits" or anything comparable after we die.