[b]wheatley stands at the end of a hallway, a hallway now completely red in the blood of his foes. His previously white hoodie and hair are now a deep red. He stares Down the hallway, snake sword drawn with his head tilted to the side incredibly far, awaiting his next pirate victim[/b]
[b][i]Natalie drew her G11 Chainsaw once more, placing it over her right hand. She grabbed a pirate with her left, shoving the barrel of the gun up the Pirates ass until the end of the gun got to its mouth, and she started firing into the ranks of the Pirates, decimating them with high power lasers. [/i][/b]
[b] he guards her back, slicing hordes of pirates with [i]serpentine[/i], the gashes left from the cuts leave strange welts on the victim[/b]
[b][i]She removes the corpse from the gun, throwing it into the crowd of Pirates, before she starts unleashing hell on them with Outburst [/i][/b]
[b]he does the same, drawing a Red Glock 17. The hits inflict the same strange effect around the wound[/b]
[b][i]She holsters the gun once more, two collapsible batons now in her hands, she starts beating her enemies with them, hitting them in the throats and the stomachs to incapacitate them, before drawing a 1911 Semi and firing s round into each head. [/i][/b]
[b]he is suddenly gone. As more pirates rush from the area he was supposed to be a confetti popper goes off from an air vent. He jumps back down with an active grenade in his hand. As he falls he shoves it down the throat of one pirate before kicking him into his friends before he exploded[/b]
[b][b]Natalie reholsters her batons and picks up a cutlass, delivering multiple fatal blows to the Pirates, cutting their throats, stabbing their stomachs. [/b][/b]
[b]he passes her a thermite grenade as he throws one down his Side of the hall[/b]
[b][u]She grabs it and chucks it down her side, drawing a 1911 in her free hand and shooting it midair[/u][/b]
[b]the forces are stuck, none willing to rush into the certain death of burning thermite [/b] "Who are you..." [b]his voice is slightly electronic[/b]