Grenades are up to preference, none of them are really "the best". I prefer lighting and trip mines more than firebolt, for example.
Yea, I admit hunters and Titans got shafted on the class exotics.
Mini super? Landfall is nowhere close to being a FoH, you have to be kissing the warlock to get killed by it.
Yes, and the self Rez is the entire super. We get jack shut after the revive.
Yea, our melee's are really good. I'll give you that one.
No way the ram is the best exotic armor. Saint 14, armemmaterium, TG, Alchemists rainment, ahamkara' spine, skyburners are all better in my opinion then ram. And the ram won't give warlocks more armor than a Titan anymore, it was nerfed in y2 to only give +3 armor, not +5. That puts warlocks at a little below max Titan armor. Still tanky (especially with radiant skin and solar armor), but not more than a Titan can be.
With a Solar Armor chest, Ram, and Radiance; a Warlock can tank a sniper headshot from the infamous 1KYS. That's more armor than a Titan bud, since a 1KYS headshot will shut down a Titan in Hammer of Sol, even with a Solar Armor chest.
To be honest, being killed out of a respawn before having the chance to even move a fraction of an inch is nonsense in itself.
No it's not. It takes precision and is the only way to deny the revive. If allowed to live that player is a massive threat.